The 12 Habits of Authentic People

Expand your awareness, unleash your power, ignite your passion to live your purpose as an authentic, balanced, and fearless person.




Balancing the needs of the four aspects of one’s life reduces stress, anxiety, and frustration (mental, physical, spiritual, practical).




Aligning the Inner Game of thoughts and beliefs with the Outer Game of actions and behaviors.




Resolving underlying fears that create six major battles between our head and heart. 

The Inner & Outer Game

When our inner and outer worlds are not aligned, we are incongruent. The head battles the heart resulting in feeling stuck, confused, or frustrated.

Inner Game Habits

Mental Habits

Be Curious
"I am curious to expand awareness of self & others."

Expand Thinking 
Be Mindful
Be Present

Spiritual Habits

Be Passionate
"I am passionate about discovering my true identity, gifts, and powers."

Open Heart
Heal Self
Embrace Gifts

Outer Game Habits

Physical Habits

Be Fearless
"I am fearless in pursuing my passion & balancing my life."

Ignite Passion
Be Hardy
Transmute Fear

Practical Habits

Be Reborn
"I am reborn as an authentic person living my purpose."

Unleash Power
Live Purpose
Celebrate Life

Balance Four Realms

Succeeding in business and life requires us to balance all four aspects of our lives. When balanced, we are passionate, powerful, and vibrantly alive.

Our Promise

We promise to help you balance doing good and doing well by aligning your passions and purpose with your profession and life.


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